Friday, January 18, 2008

A Walk through the Wood(working)s

Good day, everyone. Today we will be taking a stroll through some of the handiwork Bones has done since we moved in two years ago. Enjoy!

This is a Celtic knot that Bones hand carved for the living room. Personally, I would have gotten confused and carved where I wasn't supposed to. You would probably also see my blood smeared on it from cutting myself while trying to carve after a couple glasses of wine. So kudos, Bones, kudos to you.

This is a detail from another another hand-carved piece. This one was designed by Bones to match the light fixture. Genius!

These pictures are from our kitchen. I know what you're thinking, Why is everything so red? Well, I'll have you know that the camera didn't do justice to the subtle variations of the shades. If you were here, you would notice how totally different Merlot, Burning Bush, and Penthouse Garnet (ooh la la!) are from one another.

Anyhoozle, notice the noble arch Bones put in. Ignore the missing springer (look it up). Bones is working on carving those pieces.

I'm just going to throw in some "before" photos so you can see the wonders Bones has wrought.

I'm not sure what look the old (literally) owners were going for, but we did keep one element of their decor. See the little knocker on the bathroom door? It says, "Hurry." Ha!

So, that concludes our tour for the day. Hope you enjoyed it!

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