Sunday, February 24, 2008

If They Mated: Dog Edition

But first, this is a blog about the house after all. So, I offer up further proof of Bones's talent and skills. Here we have a chair that Bones bought off of eBay for cheap.

Keep in mind that Bones painted the metal black. It had previously been a shiny gold. Very '80's. However, it is really comfortable; thus, worth saving. Here it is today:

Ok, it's not the best photo, but you get the gist. And the chair is not technically finished, in case you noticed that the slats are not perfectly spaced. Bones based his remake on a style created by William Morris. Google Image "William Morris chair," and you'll see Bones has essentially created a very nice replica.

The chair has gone from exile in the sun room to a central spot in the living room and has become my favorite chair.
Here's bonus "behind-the-scenes" footage of Bones in process of making the chair. Yes, he's in the living room. No, I wasn't pleased.

And now, I present If They Mated: Dog Edition

Miniature Schnauzer
(courtesy Junior Britannica)




Essentially, I'm just offering proof that Scruffy is a "Schnorkie," a Schnauzer-Yorkie mix. Yep, he's a designer dog. Most likely, the (illegal) breeder was trying to make more money by crossbreeding, since designer dogs are in such high demand.

By the way, the sweater on the Yorkie was made from an argyle sock.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I realized that pretty much everyone I know is married, about to be married, or at least getting a steady dose of lovin'. All happily, as far as I know. It was four years ago today that Bones proposed to me. Awww. What I remember best is that I totally screwed up my hair that day. It was a bleach job gone horribly awry. Yet, Bones still proposed. What a guy.
Anyway, go get your Love on, make it a whole long weekend of lovin'. The world will be a better place. Right on.
The photo is courtesy, where there are other pictures of animals with hearts on them if you need some inspiration.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Scruffy's Birthday: A Photoessay

Man. Why did they drag me from under the couch? I was so cozy. I should be called French President Nicholas So-Kozy.

What? What do you want?



For moi?

No! Really?

*Nom, nom, nom*

*Nom, nom (deep breath) nom*

So full


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Works in Progress

Today's focus is on showing some of the baby steps Bones has made on various parts of the house. But, to paraphrase, "This is one small step for us, one giant leap for home improvement." I am just amazed that in a relatively short amount of time, Bones can undo years worth of outdated conventions (painted-over wallpaper everywhere, including the ceiling) and create modern, yet classic, looks. Judging by that description, I think it's safe to say I've been watching too much Project Runway--stop me if I start saying that the house is "fashion-forward" and "fierce."
So, on with the show:

This makes me feel rich just looking at it. And, lately, that's the only way I'm going to feel rich. The only thing missing is...Anyone? That's right, the doors. However, Bones can't be faulted for that, since he is currently working on a more important project which I will show below. Bones used curly maple for the cupboards, which has quickly become one of my favorite woods, unlike some of those boring and useless woods out there--I'm talking to you, balsa. The counter tops are granite tile, the color is known as "Uba Tuba." Just say it out loud, it's fun. The tiles were the cheaper alternative to having a slab counter top. It was a good compromise considering my refusal of anything laminate.

To appreciate the rich beauty further, let's take a look at the "Before":

And yet, we almost didn't get this place because someone bid over the asking price. Notice the linoleum on the counter top. That's brown duct tape around the sink. I don't even know what the old owner's were going for with the black, scalloped thingie, but it ain't working.

Moving on, Bones is in the midst of a fixing up the bathroom, formerly a blight compared to rest of the first floor. You may have seen it thusly:

All done up in a color I call "Institution Green."

But, Friday night Bones started a new project that I have to show before it's even finished.

Ahh, yes, much better. And it's just going to get better. He'll be breaking up the wainscotting into boxes, or frames; and of course we'll be getting rid of the green. Now I feel like I'm peeing in style. Like I'm peeing in a millionaire's personal library. Take that, random millionaire!

Well, come back on Tuesday, Scruffy's birthday is tomorrow, and I'll be posting pics. He's going to be four. That's two years that he's been with us. Our baby's growing up! I'll be making him a cheeseburger.