Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I realized that pretty much everyone I know is married, about to be married, or at least getting a steady dose of lovin'. All happily, as far as I know. It was four years ago today that Bones proposed to me. Awww. What I remember best is that I totally screwed up my hair that day. It was a bleach job gone horribly awry. Yet, Bones still proposed. What a guy.
Anyway, go get your Love on, make it a whole long weekend of lovin'. The world will be a better place. Right on.
The photo is courtesy, where there are other pictures of animals with hearts on them if you need some inspiration.


lovelylela said...

Hey! I'm one of your best friends and I'm not married or about to be!

I love what you guys have done to the house. Lookin' great!

I miss you! I love you!


AniMation said...

Hey, I said nearly everybody. Anyway, you get lovin' if you wanted to.

AniMation said...

could get lovin'. I really should preview before I post.

AniMation said...

Hey, I said nearly everybody. Anyway, you get lovin' if you wanted to.